June 2012

Rhyming Gospel Truths

The Knowledge of Good and Evil – 1
Innocent - 2
The Sting of Death - 3
Thank God for Dr. McGee - 4
Sheep not of this Flock - 5
Sing - 7
Meditation - 8
Goodwill - 10
Sin Offering - 12
Today - 13
Make a U Turn! - 14
Foundling - 15
A Message to the Shepherds - 17
God Incarnate - 18
The Conscience - 19
Resurrection of Christ - 20
Shame on You! – 21
The Penalty of Sin – 22
Knock! Knock! - 24

Jonah From Galilee

 Jonah From Galilee!

So Jonah~
You cared more about a plant
That sprouted overnight, than
You did for a race of people
Called the Nineveh’s,
This Gentile horde was extremely
Cruel and Jonah hated them much,
And when…God said;
‘Go preach to them’
Jonah fled to Tarshish in a rush.
For ‘the Lord is gracious and
Merciful’ and what if they
Those no good, good for nothing
Assyrian’s, they deserve annihilation
And discontent!
Jonah disobeyed the Lord, and he
Tried to hide in a ship, and along came
A mighty rushing wind…and the boat
Began to tip, Jonah knew that the Lord
Was there to get him; he’d rather drown
In the sea than stay, and when the mariners
Obliged, and threw him in the water
God sent a fish…to swallow the

God’s Only Son

 God's Only Son!

The Father beckoned His Son to die
On the cross in your place and mine,
To bring us back to our pre-fallen state…
He ordained BEFORE the beginning of time.
Listen! My Son become the SIN of the world
For You to die is a crime.
The devil just doesn’t comprehend that death
Has no hold on an innocent man
Old Satan will surely be stunned.
On the cross, I’ll have to BEQUEATH
You there, You will have to bear it alone.
When the sting of death is finished in You,
I’ll RAISE You, and bring You back home.