Boaz and Ruth: the Story of Love and Redemption


Israel was still young,

She had never had a king.

The judges ruled the people;

Every man did as he pleased.

Then famine sweep the nation

Food was scarce, and life was hard.

A family of the tribe of Judah

Headed for higher ground;

They settled in the country of Moab,

In a “wash pot” of a town;

Elimelech and his family,

Moved to an “unholy” land~

Elimelech died

While they were there

Leaving his wife and sons;

Then the two boys married

Moabite women

Contravene to the Mosaic Law.

Mahlon and Chilion later both died,

Leaving their mother in Moab

With their brides

Ten years they’d lived in this

Gentile place; now Naomi’s whole

Family was dead.

Then word came out of Judah,

That the famine

Had finished its days

Naomi cried out,

“I’m going back home,”

To the house of bread and praise!

So, the women headed

Down the road, that would lead

To Bethlehem; Naomi, stopped

To kiss them good-by, and

Then send them back home to their clan.

‘I have no more sons

For you’ she said:

‘Go back to your families,

Get on with your lives;

God bless and bestow

You good men’~

Going to Bethlehem

With Naomi

Had its pros and cons;

The pro was to worship

The one true God;

Not a statue of gold or bronze;

On the other hand-

Leaving Moab

Meant being a stranger

In a strange land,

And the prospects of marriage

They had little chance.

You see! The Jews, married

From within their own clan

They obeyed the Mosaic Law-

That commanded the people

To protect the land,

And keep it within their tribe~

Now! Orpah loved Naomi, and she loved

Naomi’s God, but not enough to go to Judah,

Away from the land on Mo-ab;

These women would need male protection

To avoid poverty and strife;

Orpah bid Naomi fair well! Then

She turned towards home and cried.

Ruth, on the other hand, refused to turn around,

She made it clear to Naomi,

“I’m staying by your side.

Wherever you go dear mother-in-law,

I will be there too,

I’ll put my trust in your God,

Only death can separate me from you.”

What a valiant young woman Ruth was~

A Moabitess moving to Judah,

Life would surely be hard.

Ruth’s [kind] could not enter,

The “Congregation of the Lord”~

Naomi was an admirable influence,

A great woman of God!

The women entered Bethlehem

It was time for the barley harvest,

Naomi’s friends began to cheer,

“Naomi has come back home!”

“Call me Mara,” she replied;

‘God has dealt

Bitterly with me,

I left here full, I came back empty,

Woe is me, woe is me!’

She echoed the words of Job.

Naomi, a widow of the tribe of Judah,

With Ruth her dead-sons-wife,

Arrived in Bethlehem alone,

Without a male

To provide them a home;

Naomi had no right to own land,

According to the Mosaic Law~

Poverty, O poverty!

Naomi knew her fate.

Ruth the proselyte,


“Let me go, and look for grace!”

Ruth started down the road,

Where she happened to find a safe place;

When she saw other maidens gleaning;

She perceived the Field would be safe

The parcel was owned by Boaz,

A mighty man, of great wealth;

An observer of the Mosaic Law,

The poor were welcome there.

They followed behind the reapers,

Picking up what fell~

During the course of the day,

Boaz came along.

He noticed Ruth, among the damsels,

Gleaning with the poor and the foreign~

Boaz asked his trusted foreman:

“Who’s that beautiful girl?”

“She arrived from Moab with Naomi,”

-he said. The owner met Ruth in his field.

Boaz, heard a good report about Ruth,

He invited her to lunch.

Then he told his servants to: “let her glean,

Any place she wants.

Let fall, some

Extra corn for her,

Even among the sheaves

 Ruth went home that evening

  her arms were filed with food;

“Who’d you find favor with my dear”

(Naomi questioned Ruth)?

“I gleaned in Boaz’s field” she said;

Naomi was overjoyed.

“This man is our near kinsman;”

Praise the Lord!

Throughout the gathering season,

The pair’s fondness cultivated.

The twinkle was visible in their eyes.

During the barley and wheat harvest,

Ruth continued to glean.

Naomi notices them looking,

Like, a couple of lovesick teens~

Naomi inquired of her


“Would you, like to find

[Rest] with Boaz?”

The blushing Ruth replied:

“Why yes!  I’d like to be his wife.”

Naomi took advantage,

Of the custom of the day;

She told Ruth, what she must do,

To become Boaz’s mate~

‘The harvest is over the men are on the hill,

Separating wheat from chaff,

Silently, go to the threshing floor

After they fall asleep;

Find the place where Boaz slumbers,

And, lay quietly at the foot of his bed;

When he awakes and sees you there

Lift the covers off his feet

Boaz, will then tell you

What to do next.’

When he awoke

Around midnight the

Maiden was at his feet,

She made the proposal of marriage:

“Spread the corners over me”~

Boaz was elated, that Ruth had chosen him;

She was lovely and pious, and she did not

Consort, with the immature young men~

Though Boaz could not accept her request,

He was honored nonetheless.

He reluctantly told the gorgeous Ruth:

“There’s a kinsman closer than I.

I’ll speak to him in the morning;

You can depend on that!”

Boaz was a man of God.

Who’d read: Leviticus 25.

He said to Ruth: ‘stay here tonight

Leave early in the morn;

Don’t let the other men, see you-

Leaving the threshing floor!

Take home some food

To your mother-in-law,

I’ll talk to my near kin.

If he turns down Naomi’s offer;

You’ll be my wife,

My love, my friend’

That morning Boaz

Left the floor,

He went to the city gate,

Where all the Legal transactions

Of that day took place-

He waited for His Kinsman,

With ten elders at his side;

When his relative entered the courtyard,

Boaz caught his eye.

‘Come over here, fellow’

Boaz said: ‘I’d like to bend your ear

About a tract In the HANDS

Of Elimelech’s wife,

And I’m in line after you’

The kinsman said: ‘OK! Boaz,

I’ll redeem the field!’

Then Boaz told him

The stipulation,

Hoping to siege the deal:

‘The day, that you

Redeem the land,

Our relative Naomi has said:’

‘You’ll have to buy

The Moabitess Ruth,

The wife of the dead’

The kinsman, then, told Boaz,

‘You can buy-back the field~

Somebody, take my shoe

To seal this deal, I’m outa here!’

Naomi’s distress was over,

Liberation came at last;

By the birth of her grandson Obed,

The family’s name surpassed.


The LORD works in mysterious ways-

Why depart thy-selves to a place of idol worship?

God was surely in the plan. For He, returned Naomi

With her Gentile daughter-in-law, to be included

In His Messianic Line, the Story of Love and Redemption

Boaz received his bride.  A descendant of Lot and his oldest

daughter, Ruth the Moabitess was bought.


Ruth 4:13, 14 So Boaz took Ruth, and she was his wife: and when

he went in unto her, the LORD gave her conception, and

she bare a son. And the women said unto Naomi,

Blessed be the LORD which hath not left thee this day

without a kinsman, that his name may be famous in Israel.”


Ruth 4:17 And the women her neighbours gave it a name, saying,

There is a son born to Naomi; and they called his name

Obed: he is the father of Jesse, the father of David.”


Ezekiel 16: 8 Now when I passed by thee, and looked upon thee, behold

thy time was the time of love; and I spread My skirt over

thee, and covered thy nakedness: yea, I sware unto thee,

and entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord GOD,

and thou becamest mine.”


Deuteronomy 25: 5-10 “The Law of Levirate Marriage.”

Leviticus 25 “The Redemption of Land”

Numbers 26, “Division of Land.”

Numbers 27: 5-11 “The daughters of Zelophehad.”


Question: Is Jesus qualified to become KING of Kings and LORD of Lords?


Simple answer: Yes! Jesus is God: therefore He is flawless…without sin or condemnation.

This is a beautiful story. According to the Mosaic Law, Boaz couldn’t ask Ruth to marry him; she had to ask him (to marry her). Boaz accepted her proposal of marriage only after the nearest kin rejected Naomi’s stipulation. The nearest kin, did not want to share his worldly goods with a protentual offspring of a widow woman (he didn’t break the law, it was his choice).  Boaz also obeyed the law; he followed the protocol…and, he married the woman of his dreams. Boaz became the father of: Obed the grandfather of king David.

And at the same time, Naomi’s family name will never die! It was a win-win for all!