Our Goal


Our goal is to stamp out generational impoverishment. Struggling families (including individuals coming out of prison or off the street), will benefit from our program/s. Very often, a lack of knowledge is the foe that allows poverty to flourish; a redirection of priorities and education, builds good character. We strive to help build and in some cases rebuild self-esteem and good moral values. We commemorate GOD'S Love through example and we aspire to express GOD'S assurance of eternal life by lifting up those who are down. We’re committed to spreading GOD'S Word through poetry, praise, prayer and plays. We recognize that we’re living in perilous times when our young people are planning their own funerals instead of their futures. “For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God.” (Hebrews 3:4) Many years ago Nehemiah the Rebuilder and his helpers, restored the damaged walls and gates that had once protected the city of Jerusalem from adversaries.
